Ethics Committee
Dr. José Luis Velasco Zamora (President)
Dr. Yamila Renee Chichotky (Vice President)
Dra. Alejandra Inés Díaz (Permanent member)
Dr. (Abog) Mirta Verónica Tomé (Permanent member)
Prof. Natalia Righetti (Permanent Member)
Mrs. María Teresa Bellido (Permanent member)
Tec. Gisela Paula Fontán Uriarte (Administrative Coordinator / Permanent Member)
The Research Ethics Committee of Buenos Aires CEIBA, is an independent body made up of medical, scientific and non-scientific members, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects who participate in a study of research, training, and education, including, among other things, reviewing, approving, and providing ongoing review of the study protocol and amendments, as well as the methods and material that will be used to obtain and document the informed consent of the research study subjects .
The Research Ethics Committee of Buenos Aires CEIBA is registered in the Provincial Registry of Research Ethics Committees, dependent on the Central Research Ethics Committee - Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires on August 7, 2015, under No. 051/2015, Folio 046 of the Book of Minutes No. 2. Reaccredited on July 13, 2018, valid until July 13, 2021.
If you have any questions related to your rights as a participant in the research, you can contact the telephone number 11 6801 3163.